today was new year yesterday we went to my aunt's house and played shan u bang it was annoying .the kids kept putting out the fire.after we finished playing them we went to my dad's uncle's house to sleep we slept at the 3rd floor .when I woke up I went to play computer I played ninja saga it was a naruto game .I was level 7 I recruited my sister because she was level 6 also I recruited hubert level 5 .then we went to a person's house they were a freind of my dad I think. I got to play a swordgame it was cool .like :triple kill. thenwe went to a restruant to eat the food was good lettuce rice fried shimp and fish then we went to hsinchu and my dad drove my grandma to zhong li. hen we slept the next morning i fust slept until my mom came back then my dad let me use the computer i watched naruto movie 3 gaurdians of the cresent moon island. it was funny.then my dad told me to do a blog and then continue to watch it so I made a blog


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Today, the heavy tanks will be introduced. Heavy tanks are the main fighting force, able to take lots of hits.
The main characteristics of a heavy tank is its heavy armor and weight coupled up with a decent gun. 


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The MS-1 is a Russian(U.S.S.R) teir 1 tank. A basic tank that you get when you first play the game, it's my favorite teir 1 tank, right up next to the T1 Cunningham. The MS-1 is not a very noob friendly tank with its mere 100 hitpoints(HP), the least of any teir 1 tank. It gets decent armor for a teir 1, capable of bounce a few shells sent its way. Though it must be noted to never rely on the armor, the MS-1 doesnt have a lot of HP if the shells penetrate the armor. The actual thickness of the armor is 18 millimeters(mm) at the front, and 16 on the sides and rear . Frontally however, the effective armor thickness because of sloping and rounding to the armor is arond 20mm of armor. The MS-1 stands out from the other teir 1 tanks because of the overkill penetration. With the 45mm cannon, it get 51mm of penetration, easily enough to rip though any teir 1 tanks armor. The damage is also very good, going up to 45 dmg per shot. The accuracy isn't v ery good, expected for a russian tank. neither is the aimtime very good. The maneuverablilty is slightly below average, with a top speed of 32 kp/h and 34(38 on top tracks) degrees of traverse, coupled with a decent horsepower to ton(HP/T) means it will not be very fast, though it will turn very well. The radio, when first played, has a measly 90 meters signal range, when upgraded, it has 265(A lot of maps it gets has a mimimium of 600 meters by 600 meters to 1km by 1km).


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Destroyers are fast, maneuverable, and are the main carriers of torpedoes. These ships are the bane of any battleship if in the right position. Destroyers have the thinnest armor values in the game, making it rather easy for Armor Piercing shells from other ships to over penetrate them, meaning the shells pass through harmlessly without doing much damage. However, this advantage is offset by the fact that High Explosive shells will inflict massive damage on them. Coupled with the low health pool, this means destroyers can’t take a hit. Destroyers get incredible maneuverability to counter this problem, they can easily avoid shells when they’re in the air, and they can change direction very quickly as well. Their torpedoes are usually their main firepower, capable of causing massive damage with flooding and explosions. Destroyers get smokescreens, these can shield destroyers from enemy fire, and can also conceal allied ships so that they can close the distance without being seen. The American destroyers are gunboats, well armed with artillery and have relatively weak torpedoes, they don’t shoot very far at all. However Japanese destroyers have very good torpedoes, the later ships getting the deadly Long Lance torpedoes, which are very fast and do lots of damage. However, their artillery guns are very bad, they turn incredibly slowly and the reload is abysmal.

Battleships have heavy armor and excellent firepower, and they have the most health in WoWS. These ships are overflowing with heavy armaments and secondary artillery guns. But this makes them slower than old people. Armor is their answer to this problem. They have the thickest armor in the game, some even going to 400 millimeters of armor. They also have the longest range in direct fire support, the best reaching to over 20 km. But these ranges make battleships so inaccurate, they are more likely to hit water than metals. These ships get a special ability, repair teams. Battleship can repair their ships in battle, which can make some invincible if given enough time to repair. American battleships have good armor, excellent anti aircraft capability, and are as maneuverable as some cruisers. However, they are slow, some even going to a mere twenty knots. Their range is also not very good, comparable to long range cruisers. Japanese battleships have very long range, have good armor, and a overwhelming amount of secondary armaments. These ships are better off staying outside other ship ranges, peppering them with huge shells while using their high speeds to keep out of range.


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Last week’s graduation trip was on the boring side for me. Several things decided to happen in the same period of time, which made the graduation trip suck. Firstly, the first day took us on a very boring trip to kaohsiung. I fell asleep from boredom because I didn’t want to risk running out of battery on my phone. When we got to our destination, we took a bus to ping-tung. The bus ride was more fun because the tour guides had fun drawing on our faces as punishment for incorrectly answering questions about the color of a man’s tie. When we got to the hotel, we had free time for a few hours on the beach. The catch was that we weren’t allowed to go into the water. So effectively, they just tossed into a larger sandbox. You know, the sandboxes you can find in playgrounds for little kids. This continued for a few hours until I decided to call quits and I just spent the next few hours camping out in the hotel room, tapping away on my phone.

After dinner, we went outside and basically had an outside dance that forced you to scream at the top of your lungs in order to be heard. I was pretty sure I was half deaf by the end of the dance. We went back to our hotel rooms after this.


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  • Jun 07 Sun 2015 23:52
  • Prom

A few hours ago, I was at prom. Normally Prom would all be about the dancing and having fun with your date, but it wasn’t to be in mine’s. For starters, my prom date was Sunny, who was dragging me off to dance awkwardly on the stage and shoving me into photos with her. All this combined with me being forced to wear a tuxedo, was not a pleasant experience. So I spent the first few hours in Lakeshore Hotel, the location of prom, I spent the beginning hours stuffing myself full of food. The very first thing I did when I got to the tables was to shovel as many foods onto my plate. Mostly I took fried rice, sausages, fried chicken, fried potatoes(not french fries apparently), lettuce, and a lot of drinks. After my plate was full, I began pigging out at my table. I had scarfed through 2 plates worth of food until someone in the table actually bothered talking.

Our table consisted of Jacky, Berry, Matthias, Phoebe(10th grader, rest of us are 9th), John, Vannesa, Ninnie, Sunny and I. The moment Matthias left to get food, Jacky leaned in to ask completely random questions. Most of them were harmless question, but eventually it got to the point where he began asking personal questions such as “On the scale of one to ten, how hot is your prom date?” It was very awkward because after a few moments of laughing, Matthias came back and began questioning why we were laughing. It took us a few minutes to convince him it was nothing.


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World of Warships(WoWS) is another game produced by Wargaming, a russian company that also made the game I play all the time, World of Tanks(WoT). Similar to WoT, WoWS is based off naval combat using 20th century warships, ranging from the early training ships, Katori, to the most heavily armed and armored battleship, the Yamato. The game itself is in closed beta, and it is expected to be open beta in a few months.

The ships are divided into nations, and it is expected that there will be American, Japanese, German, Russian, and British warships eventually. As of now, there are only 2 nations that have more than 3 ships, the American Navy, and the Imperial Japanese Navy. The other nations include Russia(Gremyashchy) and Britain(HMS Warspite). The ships are also divided into classes, which are Destroyers, Cruisers(Heavy Cruisers and Light Cruisers), Battleships, and Aircraft Carriers.

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The Tiger 1 is a teir 7 German Heavy tank. A famous tank of WW2, this tank was famed for its excellent armor and a devasating gun. Here in World of Tanks, the armor is the same as the real life tiger, 100 mm, and it gets a very good 8.8cm Kwk L/71 gun. The downside is that armor is terrible. 100mm may have been good against T-34s and M4 shermans, but it most certainly isn't very good at holding up against shells from IS(JS) and other teir 7 Heavy tanks. Even teir 6 tanks can rip through its armor with ease, though if angled, some teir 6s struggle to penetrate it. All in all, in World of Tanks, do not play this tank as a tank that has trollish armor with extreme thickness. The armor, however, is very rectangular, so sidescraping with it is quite effective. This tank's 8.8 cm gun is what makes up for the terrible armor. The real life tiger had a L/56 cannon, this one gets a L/71. In German terms, L/71 meant that the gun length was 71 times longer than the caliber of the shell, And the longer the barrel, the better penetration and higher velocity the shells gets. This means the gun on the Tiger 1 is absolutely devastating against the tanks it goes up against. It gets 203mm of penetration on its top gun, with 240 damage per shot and a very good rate of fire. This means the Tiger 1 gets a outstanding 2150 damage per minute(DPM). While this may not sound much compared to some tanks at its teir, the penetration and famed accuracy of German guns ensure that that DPM is the real deal, as it's less likely to bounce or miss the target, doing no damage. The Tiger 1 gets the largest Healthpool at teir 7, standing at a grand total of 1,500 when fully upgraded. This is comparable to teir 8 Heavy tanks, so when under fire, do not be afraid to use your tank to shield others while retreating. Viewrange is a average 380 meters. Mobility is average. The maneuverability isn't the best but its workable, top speed is pretty good for a heavy, and the engine is decent.

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In World of Tanks, the objective is to kill all enemies or capture the base. Along the way for killing, there are many techniques for defence and assault. Another defence technique apart from sidescraping is called hulldown. Hulldown tactics are quite selfexplanatory, but the primary use of this technique is to cover up your hull, either to minimized the amount of tank you are showing the the enemy, or to show your strong points. Hull down tactics are used by tanks that have a turret that has thick turret armor, bouncy turret armor(extremely sloped turret armor), and/or a large gun mantlet that can eat up shots(means that the gun mantlet can take shot after shot after shot without having the solid armor being penned, meaning no damage taken) The t29, American Heavy Tank, is a very common user of hulldown tactics. At teir 7, having 160mm of armor is considered excellent. The T29's turret amor laughs at that 160mm armor. Having a whopping 279mm of frontal turret armor, this tank is the undisputed king of hulldown tactics. In addition, a very large gun mantlet covers up most of the frontal turret armor, which can increase the thickness to over 300mm of armor. Hull down tactics usually rely on having good gun depression, a strong turret, and a smallish cupola. The IS-3, T29, and T32 all have 2 of the boxes ticked off. The IS-3(JS-3 is you want) has strong turret armor, no cupola at all, but no gun depression. The T29 has strong turret armor, good gun depression, but a largish cupola, and the same with the T32. However, the main principles of hull down are to cover up your hull and expose your turret only to enemies.

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Sidescraping is one of the most effective defensive techniques you can use early on. It uses the principles of richochet, angling and cover. To do this, you position your tank against a wall in such a way that only your side and turret cheeks are exposed at a heavy angle, preferably at 65-85 degrees. Then you allow the enemy shoot at either your heavily angled sides or even more angled turret side. Chances are, they'll bounce right off. Then you can pop out and take a shot at them, 2 depending if you are sure you have a better reload, enough to reload before they can by 1 second. However, this only works if the claiber of the gun shooting at you does not exceed 2x your side armor. This is why only heavy tanks will use this technique often. But, if your tank can have at least enough armor to withstand the average caliber of your teir, you can sidescrape. Large tracks also help greatly in sidescraping, especially if the tracks cover up the hull. Tracks count as 20mm of spaced armor and therefore is very useful. But this is only effective if you can repair your tracks fast enough, so the repair skill, a toolbox, or a large repair kit is recommended if you like sidescraping often. You WILL get your tracks blown off often when sidescraping when enemies get frustrated at bouncing and start aiming to immobilize you. In addtion, you need to choose your sidescraping position carefully, you dont want to be hammered by artillery.

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One of the more important mechanics in WoT, penetration. Without this thing, the game would make no sense because teir 1's would be penning teir 10 heavies. Penetration relies on angles, thickness and raw penetration of the gun. The actual penetration deviates 25% +/- from the listed penetration. So if the average pen lists 100, the actual pen would be 75-125, this also aplies for damage. There is also the chance where the shell penetrates no armor at all, resulting in no penetration no matter the amount of enemy armor, this is why you will sometimes bounce off light tanks that your gun shouldve torn right through. There are 5 type of ammunition: AP(Armor piercing), APCR(Armor piercing composite rigid), HEAT(High explosive anti-tank), HE(High explosive), and HESH(High explosive squash-head), AP is the standard ammo for most, HEAT is a ammo that doesnt suffer loss of pen over distances, but doesnt benefit from normalization rules, APCR is high velocity/pen AP, with less normalization, HE are explosives and will detonate wether it pens or not, HESH wirks more like a high-pen HE. The angle of the point of contact is also a factor of armor penetration. The greater the angle, the thicker the armor. If the angle reaches over 70 degrees, the shell will automatically ricochet, and do no damage. But if the caliber of the shell exceeds the thickness of the armor by 2 times and the penetraion is enough, then you can 'overmatch' the armor and have a chance of penning the armor at extreme angles(Ex: 50mm of armor can be overmatched by 100+mm guns). There is a normalization in AP, the standdard ammunition most tanks use, that helps reduce the angle of the tank by about 3-4 degree. There are 2 types of armor you can be shooting at, Solid Armor, or Spaced Armor. Solid armor is armor that, if penned, will cause the tank to be damaged. Spaced armor, usually tracks or the gun mantlet, can be penetrated but no damage will be taken by the tank. Spaced armor usually has another Solid Armor layer underneath, so its usually very hard to penetrate compared to hitting regular armor.

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In World of Tanks, camouflage mechanics govern whether you spot a target or not. It determines whether a tank can see another tank. There are several fields of vision mounted on the tank. One on the back, one on the deck of the tank, the commanders hatch, and the gun itself. If a tank touches one of these fields, then its is spotted. Of course, this isnt as simple as that, this is where the said tank's camouflage come into play, the tank's camouflage will cut down the viewrange of the spotter to a certain percentage. The lower the tank is to the ground, the more camo rating it has. This camo rating can be boosted by camouflage paint, a camouflage net, the skill camouflage and bushes. Buildings will completely camouflage you, but you cant return fire to enemies. However, if a tank drives within 50 meters of you, its is automatically spotted by your tanks magical radar, regardless if theres a building.  Your camouflage rating is reduced when you are moving(by 50%) unless you are a light tank. Light tanks retain their camoflage even when moving. When you fire, your camo rating drops drastically, depending on the caliber of the gun.  This makes your tank incredibly easy to spot. But there is a way to avoid this.  Bushes, when you get close to it, are opaque. This means it will provide camouflage and you can see through it, but when you fire your gun, it becomes invisible, allowing enemies to spot you. However, if you back up 15 meters away from the bush, it will be solid. This means you can fired your gun without giving your position. Of course, your own camoflage rating still drops, meaning you can be still spotted, but now it is much much harder to do so. Enemy tanks, when spotted, will stay spotted for a few more seconds even if the spotter dies. The maximium spotting range is 445 meters. This is useful when a enemies camoflage rating is too high to be spotted if your viewrange is 450, but can be spotted if the viewrange is, say, 500. Remember, the camouflage rating is a percentage, not a number. So, say a spotters view range is 400, if a tanks camo rating is 25%, it will prevent the spotter from seeing it until its within 300 meters away from it.(this can also be changed by bushes and other factors). Spotting, is useful to both you and your team because it give your team something to shoot at, and because you can get credits and exp when your ally's shoot the targets you are lighting up(50% exp and credits earned compared to doing the acual damage)this spares you from wasting ammunition(ammo does cost money!)


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The basic controls are the standard w,a,s,d keys for traversing and accelerating. W will move the tank and S will reverse the tank. A will make the tank traverse to the left and D will do right. You can also press on two keys(ie:w and d, w and a, s and d, and s and a) to make the tank turn and move in a direction. LMB to fire the main weapon, RMB to autoaim(for people too lazy to aim), scrolling to adjust the view and/or change it into sniper mode. C will reload a magazine clip(if the tank has one), left shift(only for artillery) to change to arty mode(AKA satellite view). 4-6 will select a consumable(med kits repair kits, fire extinguishers). You can also use the 'f' keys to make commands quickly(for example, f5 to say 'Affirmative!', f7 to say 'Help!'), for more you can hold down and z and view the commands(pointing at allies or enemies can give you some more options, pointing at a ally and pressing f4 will say'[name] fall back!'), you can also point at an enemy and press t for requesting fire(most of the time its useless unless thats the only target lighted up). Holding down on Ctrl will give you a mouse and you can move your cursor to the minimap and click to alert your teammates. Pressing the enter key can allow you to chat(simply press enter, type what you want to say, and press enter) you may use tab to toggle around on which chat to chat on(team, all, and sometimes:platoon). All this may sound complicated, but really all you need to know are the wasd keys, and the mouse are the main controls.


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Artillery, or arty/spgs, are the main firepower of the team. These self propelled guns have very large guns, meaning they can do a lot of damage per shot, this is countered by its long reload, horrible aiming times, and bad accuracy. Arty are poorly armored and dont have a lot of mobility with the exception of french arty(the french always focused on mobility, they also have the fastest aiming times, reloads, and best accuracy compared to other nations, but they also have the least damage per shot). I personally am going down the french arty and I can tell you that the french start off really bad, and get better and better(teir 9 and 10 get turrets). Most arty, with the exception of the bat chillion 155 55(teir 9 french), bat chillion 155 58(teir 10 french) and SU-26(teir 3 russian), have no turrets and therefore need to turn their hull to face the target, this makes them have to reaim their gun again. Arty also have to be wary of counter battery. Enemy arty can see the tracer of your gun when you fire and can kill you by shooting the tracer's origin(and kill you if you dont move)to counter this you sould immediately move after you fire, this usually take 10 seconds or so, depending on the mobility of the spg. Spgs have a different mode from other tank's sniper mode which is called artillery mode, this mode allows them to play the traditional artillery role(nuking people from the sky), in this mode there is a line which is colored either green, red or gray, green indicates whether its possible to hit the place you are pointing at(you still need to have the reticle to confirm the place as well), red mean that somthing is blocking the ground you are aiming at(a rock, a tank, a mountain, etc)and grey means you do not have the range to shoot that place.


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Tank destroyers, or td's, are usually divided in to assault td's, sniper td's, or ambush td's. Assault td's have decent armor and are meant to be played similarly to a heavy tank. Sniper td's have bad armor, good guns, and above average camoflage. Ambush td's have guns with high alpha damage(lots of damage per shot). Mobility is usually best with ambush or snipers because of their lighter armor. Most tank destroyers have no turrets however, so do get used to being helpless when flanked. Some, like the Hellcat(teir 6 american td) or the waffenträger auf e100(teir 10 german td) have turrets though. Sniper td's are meant to hang back slightly and snipe at mid to long range and not get detected. Thus, the skill:camoflage and perk:6th sense would be helpful on these sort of tanks(to avoid detection and basically minimize the time you can be shot at). Tank destroyers without turrets should go for Clutch Braking and Off Road Driving for the driver to minimize being flanked, as these skills will allow the tank to turn faster. Tank destroyer with high health could also go for adrenaline rush for their loaders(for a little boost in reload speed when nearly dead). Meanwhile, assault td's should usually go for Jack of All Trades, Eagle Eye, Deadeye, or/and repairs to reduce the effecets of losing crew members, and increase module damage while reducing module repair times. Ambush td's could go for Deadeye to increase the chance of dealing module damage. Moving on, snipers have a mian role of sniping enemies at medium to long range and avoid detection, the rhm borsig waffenträger, a teir 8 german td, is a example of a sniper, with an excellent gun, poor armor, and mediocre mobility. Ambush td's go a medium to short range, destroying their enemies with one shot, these high alpha guns usually have long aiming times, reloads, and bad/not very good accuracies. A good example of this is the ISU-152, a Soviet teir 8 td, it has some armor(not much), decent mobility, and a gun that deals 750 average damage. Assault td's have heavy(usually unsloped) armor in the front and should be played(somewhat similarly) as a heavy tank, a good example of an asssault td is the Ferdinand, a german teir 8 td. Its mobility is similar to the german vk 45.02(p) a(basically:bad). It has a decent gun and can take some hits due to its armor(its unsloped so angling it while reloading would be a good idea to me). Also do not that it has a weak lower glacis(most higher teired, more well armored germans have that weakness).


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Today, I'm going to talk about the meduim tanks in the game. These tanks are meant to flank the main enemy fighting force, get some flanking shots then pull back. Most mediums are not meant to be frontline fighters. Some, however, like the Matilda, a British teir 4 tank, is a technical heavy but is considered a medium. Most tanks of this class usually fill in the role of a support tank. If they were to be exposed to front line fighting, they would quickly die. A medium tank is average in all three main requirments for a good tank: armor, mobility and firepower. A good example is the M4 Sherman, a American teir 5 tank. This tank is a jack-of-all-trades, master of nothing. Most mediums are usually in the second line of defence. They are used sometimes to mop of the beaten up tanks in the front line and artillery. This class of tanks, if used correctly, can easily decide the outcome of a battle(unless your team are complete failures).


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Hey people today I'll be talking about light tanks of all kind. Light tanks are usually very lightly armored and very fast. Their guns are usually terrible and should not be used often. Instead, you should use your speed and maneuverability to avoid taking damage and help your team scout out the enemy tanks. A prime example of a scout is the Elc AMX, a French teir 5 light tank. It is very fast, and can dodge most shells due to its very low profile. Another good example of a good scout is the Panzer 1c, a German teir 3 light tank. This tank is one of the fastest tanks in the game. It can reach speeds up to 76 kilometers per hour. Its gun is also nothing to scoff at. It is commonly used by people who drop from high teirs because of its good speed combine with a adequate gun and decent armor for a light tank. The few light tanks like the AMX 40, the Panzer IIJ and Valentine are the more slow and heavily armored light tanks. they are considered psuedo-heavy tanks because of their thick armor. The Panzer IIJ at teir 3, has a frontal armor of 80; a insane figure for a teir 3. Most teir 3's are lucky to even have 30-40 millimeters of armor. Moving back to most light tanks, tanks like the bt-7 are lightly armored and should avoid being shot at. Light tanks are not recommended to fight with other tanks directly because of their terrible armor. Light tanks are usualy scouts because they can retain their camouflage values even when moving.  This means they are less likely to be spotted even while moving. Thats it for this time and next week we'll be covering medium tanks. See you guys next time.


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Are humans naturally cruel and mercyless? The answer to all of you, is no.
Humans are not bad in nature, it's the outside world's influence that makes

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Hi guys, I'm finally back and today I'll be talking about the more recent game I've been playing. Its called World of Tanks, or for short: WOT. This game is quite a fun game and I would reccommend it for anyone who likes tanks, shooting or both. The game involves a lot of strategy and is basically a online multiplayer 3rd person shooter game. The basic controls are simple enough, w, a, s, d, and mouse. The wasd controls move the tank while the mouse moves the camera and the turret of the tank(if it has one). There are hundreds of tanks in the game including premium tanks(bought by money tanks) and ordinary tanks(researched through playing games). These tanks are divided into 10 teirs: 1 - 10. Each tanks is divided into one of those teirs and mas its own matchmaking(because it'd be unfair if a overpower teir 10 fought a teir 1). Teir 1's usually get teir 1 matches but sometimes will get into teir 2 matches. Teir 2's will get into teir's 2, 3, 4 matches where the highest teir yo will face in a teir 4 match will be teir 4's, and so on. Some tanks will however, get scout matchmaking or easier match making. For example, the teir 4 german light tank:PzKpFw 38t na will get scout match making, meaning it can potentially face up against tier 8's. This is because it is a scout and is only supposed to scout out enemy positions and report them for the bigger guns to take them down. Other tanks like the teir 4 French heavy tank the B1 will get into teir's 4 and 5 matches. Teir 10 tanks will only get teir 10 matchs because they are the maximium teir, they can however meet teir 8 tanks that have teir 10 match making. The tanks are based off WWII tanks and only have German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, American, French, and British tanks, each of which have its own unique traits. For example, higher teired German heavy tanks are tall and heavy such as the Maus, The heaviest and tallest tank in the game. Each tank has its own research tree and can basically be upgraded with better parts like upgradeing the engine can increase acceleration and upgrading the gun can increase damage, penetration, rate of fire, accuracy, DPM(damage per minute), and/or aiming time. Remenber that upgrading the gun and turret can reduce some stats, but increase others. The tanks research tree is researched by experience and free experience. These are earned by participating in battles. However, only free experience can be used to research tanks that aren't next in line of the tank you wish to research for the next tank. In addition, free experience is hard to earn, so use it carefully. Well thats it for this week and ill see you guys later. 

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I woke up and began packing up my things because tody was the day we had to go back home. After finishing packing I played my tablet until my mom came back with breakfast. When she got back, we ate the food she brought back: A wierd type of bread, a sweetish bun, and a nasty tasting pancake. Then we went to the airport via subway. When we checked in, we realized that they had only given us 1 ticket instead of 2 per person. They said to go to Hong kong to get the second one. So we boarded our plane to Hong Kong. The plane ride was boring, 3 hours of nothing except for wierd music. Then after the plane ride, we went and got our 2nd ticket to Taipei, which they said that the tickets were printed out too late to give it too everyone initally. The security was tighter than normal and the metal detector was acting wierd. It acted to everything metal. My watch, my moms ring, and my aunts watch were all beeped. After a hour of going through the security checks we finaly got to our gate. Then we boarded the plane. The plane was the same as the 1st plane when we came to Beijing. TV screen, video game controller and what nots. The plane ride lasted untill 7 in the night. Then we went and got our luggage and went to a shuttle bus where it took us to the  long term parking place. Then we got our car and went home.

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