today was new year yesterday we went to my aunt's house and played shan u bang it was annoying .the kids kept putting out the fire.after we finished playing them we went to my dad's uncle's house to sleep we slept at the 3rd floor .when I woke up I went to play computer I played ninja saga it was a naruto game .I was level 7 I recruited my sister because she was level 6 also I recruited hubert level 5 .then we went to a person's house they were a freind of my dad I think. I got to play a swordgame it was cool .like :triple kill. thenwe went to a restruant to eat the food was good lettuce rice fried shimp and fish then we went to hsinchu and my dad drove my grandma to zhong li. hen we slept the next morning i fust slept until my mom came back then my dad let me use the computer i watched naruto movie 3 gaurdians of the cresent moon island. it was funny.then my dad told me to do a blog and then continue to watch it so I made a blog
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1.diary of jerry part 13 @ Gameboy Is FUN! :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
2.diary of jerry part 12 @ Gameboy Is FUN! :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
3.diary of jerry part 11 @ Gameboy Is FUN! :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
4.diary of jerry part 10 @ Gameboy Is FUN! :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
5.diary of jerry part 9 @ Gameboy Is FUN! :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
6.diary of jerry part 8 @ Gameboy Is FUN! :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::
A Wild New Year Adventure
New Year’s Day had just arrived, and wow, what a chaotic but fun time we had! Yesterday, we went to my aunt’s house and played Shan U Bang. It was supposed to be exciting, but—ugh—the kids kept putting out the fire! Seriously, every time the game got interesting, poof, fire gone. Super annoying.
After we were done playing, we headed to my dad’s uncle’s house to crash for the night. We slept on the third floor, and as soon as I woke up, I made a beeline for the computer. Time for some Ninja Saga! It’s this cool Naruto-based game, and I had just hit level 7. Feeling like a true ninja master, I recruited my sister (level 6) and Hubert (level 5) for my team. We were an unstoppable trio—well, kind of.
Then we went to someone’s house… I think they were my dad’s friends? Not too sure, but they had an awesome sword-fighting game, and I got totally hooked. Every move was like TRIPLE KILL!—so satisfying.
After that, food time! We went to a restaurant and feasted on lettuce, rice, fried shrimp, and fish. Everything was delicious. Once our stomachs were full, we hit the road to Hsinchu, then my dad drove my grandma to Zhongli.
The next morning was pure laziness. I slept in until my mom got back, then my dad finally let me use the computer again. I watched Naruto Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Island—it was hilarious! Right in the middle of my Naruto binge, my dad told me to write a blog before continuing the movie. So, I did. Mission accomplished.
And that was my New Year adventure—games, food, and Naruto. Not a bad way to start the year!
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