Today I woke up early and started using my tablet for about half an hour until my dad woke up. My mom was outside with my aunt, probably shopping.  when they got back we took the subway to the Summer Palace. We got a tour guide to show us the palace. Said place was very big and boring. My mom would translate what the tour guide said. All I caught was that some king made this place for his wives apparently. The plants there were all leaveless and the entire place was cold so we couldn't see any trees with color(except for evergreens). The only cool part of the tour was the frozen lake and the tunnels. Then after touring the entire place we bought some food and went back to the subway where me and my sister went back to the hotel and the adults went to go tour a school. They originally wanted us to go with them but we persuaded them to let us go back to the hotel. The way back was relatively easy, except when we couldn't find the correct exit. When we got to the hotel, we ate a couple oranges and played on our tablets until they came back. They came back a few hours earlier than we expected, only to give us some spicy chicken. It tasted pretty good. Then they went out again to go to another random place again. Then my sister went back to her room while I watched tv and used my tablet. Then after a few hours my mom and dad came back with some sort of pancake with meat in it. My dad quickly fell asleep, then my mom and I went to Mc. donalds to get some food. We brought it back to eat with the rest of us. Then after we finished, we went to sleep. 

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Today my mom and dad told me we were going to the Great Wall of China and that it was very cold. So I dressed in very thick clothing and even put on a extra hat, a mask, and an extra layer of pants. They also said that we were changing hotels, so I had to pack up my stuff. Then we called a taxi to take us there. I used my tablet on the ride there while everybody else slept. The Great Wall was below freezing temperatures. However, it was too dry to snow so the wall wasn't very hard to walk along, but there were a couple of steep slopes. The 8 towers we went to either had acourtyard, a tunnel, or was closed. We walked over to the 8th watchtower while taking pictures along the way. When we got to said watchtower, we rested and then tried to find the shuttle cars, which were supposed to take us down, only to find that they were closed for the season. So we walked over to the 4th watch tower where there was a sliding train that went down. The sliding train said it went to 'bear lands'. But it went down so we bought the tickets and some food and went down. My face was so cold that when we got down, my sister said that my lips were purple. Luckily I had a hand warmer and quickly warmed my face and hands up. Then we had to find the parking lot we originally started at so we walked to the nearest parking lot, got lost, and asked for directions. Then while we were walking to our parking lot, my aunt bought me and my sister a hot drink because we were thirsty and we only had a bottle of practically frozen water. I got a strawberry milk tea while my sister and my aunt got lemon tea. The strawberry milk tea tasted like hot strawberry milk with pieces of strawberry jelly in it. Then we boarded the taxi and went to some kings tomb ( I think it was the dragon king or something). I didn't go and instead stayed on the taxi and played video games until they got back. Then we drove to our new hotel, which was called Hulong inn(you probably never heard of it). It took a while to find because the inn was not on the maps, was in a alley, and it was night time. When we got there, we then just played video games, watched tv and read books until everybody else gradually went to sleep. I fell asleep later then them because I wanted to read a really interesting book.

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I woke up at around 8 in the morning and was told to dress in warm clothing because it was very cold, close to freezing temperatures. After I finished dressing, we ate the instant noodles while watching tv. Then we walked over to the Forbidden City and went in to tour the place using the electronic guide. We walked thought a lot of spots like the gate of heavenly peace and imperial garden or something like that. My feet were really sore from walking every where after we finished touring. My parents kept on wanting to see a specific place that was most likely closed. After that we went to a nearby hill called coal hills where the last ming emporer committed suicide. It looked way better then the Forbidden city. Then we went to a restauraunt and ate beijing zha jiang mien(fried sauce noodle if you directly translate it). Then we went to a lakeside and looked at the ice and the ice rink. We originally wanted to go in but decided not to because it was expensive. There was also a playground on the ice. We also saw a person swimming in the ice. He didn't even look remotely cold. We walked over to another restauraunt to eat because we were hungry. The place was filled to the brim with people and the waiter told us we needed to wait another hour or more so we walked around, sightseeing until a hour passed. Then we went back to the restauraunt and found out that about 2 more hours were needed before we could get a seat. So we decided to walk back to the hotel. Along the way we passed by a roast duck restauraunt. We changed our minds about not eating and went in. The food wasn't that bad, but it took a long time until it was served. It took half an hour for a dish of broccoli to be served. The roast duck however, was a rip off. 2/3s of the duck was absent and we were told that it was used to make soup for us. When we got the soup, it had no meat, not even little scraps of it, as if they picked out all the meat. When we asked why there was no meat in the soup, we were told that it was taken out of the soup. My dad got really angry at this. After the meal we went back to our hotel. Then I just played games, watched tv, and read books until I fell asleep.

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I woke up and immediately had to get up, get dressed, and leave to go to the airport with my family and aunt. The ride there was really just consisted of practically everybody sleeping. When we got to the airport, about at 7:30 in the morning, we had to check in for a flight to Hong Kong. My dad didn't want to toss in his luggage into the baggage storage thing, stating that he didn't want to wait at the baggage claim. So we went though the security checks and all that stuff, then my dad and I walked over to the gate to rest while the females went shopping. We waited for a hour before regrouping and begin boarding the plane. The plane had a tv screen and a controller per seat and had lots of games and movies. I managed to crash 2 tvs before the 3 hour long plane ride ended. We exited the plane and immediately went to go find our gate to Beijing. We got there in half a hour and slept until it was time to board the next plane. The next plane only had a mp3, so I just went to sleep because I was tired. When I woke up, we were at the airport. It was night time when we got there. We walked to our hotel, which was called Day's inn, dumped our stuff, and went to the nearest night market. The first shop we saw sold scorpion on a stick. Live scorpions. I wanted to puke when I saw them wriggling around. Then we walked past them and saw a lot of stuff to eat. We got some sourish yogurt, egg pancake, and lots of other food. Some of of it tasted good while others tasted bad. one of them acually made it feel like I was eating dirt. Then we went back to our hotel to ask how the internet at the inn worked. We also bought a couple cups of instant noodles for tommorows breakfast and also for a snack. After asking and connecting to the internet, we went back to our hotel room. The instant noodles were very spicy so I kept on coughing from the spicyness because I ate too fast. After that we watched TV, played our phones/tablets, and ate some other snacks and then went to sleep.

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The chapter starts off by Peekay winning 2 boxing matches in a row while he is the youngest kid in his form. In a short amount of time his friend Morrie then begins to grasp the niceties of of boxing and developed the albility to predict what the opponents are going to do, which could also allow them to earn a large amount of money on betting. Within the first 2 years they had a lot of money and had it stored in a bank. Then they created a loaning system for the student at their boarding school and called it the 'Boarders Bank,'. Then Peekay reached the third form and won on a regular basis, which gave him a exaggerated reputation as a boxer. When summer arrived the black people could come out and watch him box. Morrie was quick to realize  the potential of them and made them sing to watch Peekay box. Peekay had started to have a habit of winning because of his teachings. He recieved letters from his family and wrote back regularly. The Earl of Sandwich Fund had started to spread and Mrs. Boxall was elected to be Chairwoman for 7 different groups. Shortly afterwards Peekay and Morrie set up a betting booth for who will be Sinjun's People, they earned around 160 pounds beacuse they had so much, thay each took 10 ponds for the holidays and sent the rest to their bank.


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Today I went to the Grand Canyon Skywalk,

It was EXTREMLY exspensive one person was $75.00

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The battle field is where you play your cards each person will draw 7 cards
and will 'cut' their deck to see who goes first. The layout of the battle field looks

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Card Name

On the upper left corner,  the name of the spell, creature or land.

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Magic The Gathering is a card game that I think is fun.
The first thing you need to play it is that you need a deck

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Today I made the finishing touches of my shotgun. Some people say it
is not a shotgun but forget that problem. I'm starting a new category

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Yesterday was not a good day:

I woke up and decided to play computer.then my mom and dad wanted to go to a place called 

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  • Aug 19 Fri 2011 12:11
  • today

Today I woke up at 9:00 am and went to my dads new office. There I had
to do lots of wierdo mumbo jumbo stuff. Then went to eat lunch. Lunch was

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On the third day we first had breakfast which was bread and tea again.
Then we went to this weird place on the other side of the lake which was

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The government revealed the first home made airplane. It is a one engine 
aircraft. it was made in South Korea. The plane is made of carbon based

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On the second day, it was one of the worst ones ever, come and read it!!


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A few days ago I went to this boyscout camp. We had to get on the bus at 7:00 sharp.
on the bus we ate the few snacks me, my sister, and my cousin had. Then we stopped

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  • Jun 16 Thu 2011 18:54
  • 6/15

Yesterday was a good day. I woke up at 7:00 and ate breakfast which was oatmeal.
then me and my sister went to school. I had a flag ceremony and for the clean up

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  • Jun 06 Mon 2011 16:23
  • 6/6

Today I got up at about 7:00 because my cousin woke me up.
Then my grandma told me and my cousin to go out to play and

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Today I woke up at 8:00 and fell asleep after a while, which was about five to ten minutes. Then I woke
up completely and went up to the fourth floor and found out that my annoying sister had hidden my stuff

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  • Apr 16 Sat 2011 13:07
  • N/A

Today I woke up at 7:40 and ate breakfast, which was cereal and
milk. then I went to the 4th floor to read books. after that I went

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